Tuesday 11 October 2011

DishTV STB Home TP Change

Do following for Zenega DishTV STB with Remote

1. Go to Menu 

2. Select STB Info

3. Select some TP

4. Check Signal / Quality

5. Type 7531

6. Type new TP and Done

7. Now STB will start searching channels for newly entered TP

dishtv change home tp, edit frequency symbol rate for DishTV receiver, Edit Tps, edit TPs manually for DishTV receiver, home tp change,,zenega stb, zenega stb tp change, changing tp of zenega stb


  1. plees

    not posbl to edit 'itry " so i thing new software not support old vr is ok !! you have old frimware pls post on your grt blog

    1. Yes, but you can always downgrade your STB to older firmware by connecting two STB's with serial port

  2. informative post.. Thanks for sharing.
